Thank you Shelly, Malou, Min, Debbie, David, Caroline, Sophie, Clare, Heather and Meg.
So much good will and laughter. Thank you.
The indigo you helped plant twelve days ago has poked its head above the soil this afternoon.

It was a pleasure spending these early cherry-blossom-laden days with you. Shelly was up late dyeing at the indigo vat the night before she left. Her hard work is floating in the breeze. Almost dry. I will fold it up and send it off to you.

There were many beautiful things coming out of the indigo vat the past two weeks. I was too busy to take pictures. Please send me some. Especially the mokume and pole wrapped shawls.
I did get a picture of Meg's them. Perhaps I should ask the workshop members to incorporate their astrological signs in the pattern.

Safe travels to you all.
Bryan & Hiro & Momo & Geiger & Julie..still full of kittens.
PS, someone forgot their "how-to-fix" piece.

bryan, you are always the gracious teacher...i wonder how you are, and hope that i can assume that the recent earthquake action hasn't affected the lovely old farmhouse and its family. take care.