Monday 4 February 2013

Spinning CVM Romeldale from New Hampshire.

The classes at the house focus around Japanese textiles, however the two big Scandinavian looms get a lot of attention. They needed to be treated with more respect so I started teaching the students to spin wool and weave blankets. I follow Nancy Zeller's Long Ridge Farm blog and am always impressed with her wonderful life and skills.

 Instead of sourcing wool from the craft store in Japan I introduced my Japanese students to Nancy's world and ordered a huge box of wool. She included pictures of the donor sheep that will make the whole spinning and weaving and finally having the blanket so much more meaningful. Thank you Nancy. We 'prosumed' slightly more than we consumed this time around.

 I have very little experience with wool so in order to not make myself look bad in front of the students tomorrow I spent the day spinning some of the roving she sent. It spins beautifully.


  1. Glad all arrived and your yarn looks great! Fast work.

  2. And that lanolin is so good for the hands!

  3. ohh! wooly warmth for the winter

  4. long ridge is a special place, and i'm glad your wool is making you (and by now) your students happy.

  5. I like the way Nancy writes. I think the wool spins as easily as she documents her life there.
